The Life of Christi

So here is my new site, hopefully it will be easier for me to use and you to see. Feel free to comment at any time.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Congrats Mike

So Mike found a job already, his first day was today and I guess they are starting him off pretty slow. It is a student internship job with the DMV and doesn't pay much but will be good experience for him. He even got to pick his own hours, and he'll be working Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays for a total of 20 hours per week. Hopefully he'll finish off this semester well, his teachers are insane, I'm glad I'm not in his place right now. He said its the hardest semester he's ever had, even without working for the past couple of months.

As for my job...........well, when we are allowed to talk about it I'll let you know. We don't really even know exactly what is going on yet, and what we do know we aren't sopposed to talk about. All I know is that it is stressing me out big time, and having my thesis hanging over my shoulders isn't helping any either. I have been able to make some progress though.


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