The Life of Christi

So here is my new site, hopefully it will be easier for me to use and you to see. Feel free to comment at any time.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Rain, Rain, Go Away!!!

I am so sick of all this rain!!!!!!!!!!
I love the sun, the warmth on my skin, and I haven't been able to enjoy the warm sunshine in weeks. I can barely get to my gardening without getting soaked. It makes me so irritable.

On to better news......
I've started working on painting the kitchen. Next will be the kitchen floor and the bathroom walls and floor. I'm even going to buy a new sink vanity since ours is horrid. I wanted to get it all done over spring break but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. The primer in the kitchen is drying, and in about 30 more min I can start the actual painting. I'll upload a pic when I have it finnished.


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