The Life of Christi

So here is my new site, hopefully it will be easier for me to use and you to see. Feel free to comment at any time.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Painting the kitchen

Spring Break Update
I have spent many days over the last week and a half cleaning and painting the kitchen. I am almost done. I wanted to do the floor in the kitchen as well as the bathroom walls and floor, but it looks like I'll just be finnishing painting the kitchen. Maybe I'll do the floors during summer break. I did order a new vanity from Lowes for the bathroom. It will look really nice when it finally gets installed. I can't wait for this house to look nicer. I have also been working on writing Chapter 1 of my thesis. I thought I had the rough draft done, and when Mike was reading it, I realized that what I had written for Chapter 1 really needed to go into Chapter 2, so I really haven't gotten any of Chapter 1 written. That was my goal for my two weeks off for spring break, to have Chapter 1 finished and email to my advisor. I'm planning on tackling it today.

The sun has come out!!!
After a crazy day on Easter of hail, wind, rain, and sun, the sun has finally decided to join us this week, or so the weather report says. Yesterday was nice and sunny, in the upper 60's, today is sopposed to be in the upper 70's. I'm loving it. Yesterday I put the chair cushin on the gound outside and layed down in the sunshine. Life is good!


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