The Life of Christi

So here is my new site, hopefully it will be easier for me to use and you to see. Feel free to comment at any time.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy 1st night of Hannukkah

Happy Hannukah.
Here's my new menorah, Mickey Mouse of course. Posted by Picasa

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!!
Hope you all had a wonderful day, here's all of us at Mike's parents' house in Wheatland. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Our Glowing Tree

Mike and I picked out (and sawed down) our Christmas tree this past Saturday. Not the best picture, we'll have to work on the camera settings. Unfortunatly this year I think I have become allergic to the tree. Half way through decorating our tree my throat started hurting really bad, and by Sunday I didn't have a voice. It is now Wednesday evening and I still don't have a voice. I don't want to have to resort to buying a fake tree! It just wouldn't be the same.

There are two more weeks of class left, and in two weeks I'll start my winter break from work. I can't wait to sleep in and relax. I even have most of my shopping done.